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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bye Bye, Mr. Clean. . .

Adios Scrubbing Bubbles, see ya later Clorox.... Hello baking soda and vinegar!

So I took the plunge and cleaned my upstairs bathroom with baking soda and vinegar today. Let me say, I will likely never pay for more expensive harsh chemical based cleaners again. My tub was in, err, rough shape. Let's face it, anyone who knows me knows that cleaning isn't usually at the top of my list of things to do. While I LOVE a clean and tidy house I will usually do anything to avoid having to clean if I can!

I had heard about others blogging and talking about baking soda and vinegar to clean their houses. I really and truly didn't think I would ever try it. I mean, how hard can the chemical cleaners really be on us and the environment? What could be so great about baking soda? Wouldn't my house reek of vinegar odor? Would I miss the "fresh, clean scent" of a smelly commercial cleaner?

I decided to put it to the test. While the littlest of the little ones played happily at the sink, I went to work cleaning the, errr, grubby tub with the baking soda and vinegar. I started with adding some warm water to the tub and putting in some vinegar. About a 3 count pour. I used a clean towel and swished and wiped the inside of the tub. After letting the water drain I applied a bit of baking soda and began to work on the soap scum around the edges that tends to form from the kids baths. Applying steady and but firm circular pressure the baking soda began to cut right through the soap scum! It was great! I rinsed the tub really good with water and after letting it air dry for a few minutes it was time for Rex's bath. The tub looked so good and though I couldn't benefit from an artificial "fresh, clean" scent the tub dried without the residue of a chemical cleaner. Best of all, I felt good about putting my son in the clean tub knowing that there wasn't a nasty residue that might react with his skin or harm his body.

I wound up also cleaning the sink and the toilet with the vinegar and baking soda. They couldn't look cleaner if I had used a commercial cleaner. It is likely that I will not be returning to commercial cleaners again.

I urge you to give it a try. You won't regret it!

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